Monday, April 7, 2008

A Little Experiment

So my Blackberry crapped out on me again...for the last time.

I've been reading a lot of books on time and energy management (the 4-Hour Work Week, Power of Full Engagement and Dan Kennedy's "No BS" book are my favorites). One of the common ideas in each book is the concept of inaccessibility. We live in a world of constant communication where there is so much stimuli, it hinders productivity. Have you ever been on a roll with a project only to get interrupted with a phone call or mindless email or one of those "have you got a minute?" conversations that seem to go on for hours? By that time your focused energy on the task is gone and you can't afford that 15-20 minutes that it took you to get focused again.

Well, I'm out. There are too many things that require my undivided attention (my kids, my wife, finishing projects) that I can't afford the interruptions. So the PDA is gone and so are the excuses...for now.

I'm going to go a month without it and see how it goes. I'll still have the "Bat Phone" with me so that my family can get a hold of me...maybe. I'll check my emails and voicemail twice daily at scheduled times.

I'll admit, I was a little addicted to the crackberry. Times have been often that I look for that little blinking red light to see if there's a new message waiting for me. But no more. Let's see when I start to feel the withdrawal kick in. I'll report back.

Feeling Liberated,

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