I'm in meetings all day today and Tuesday, so I woke up at 5am (even though I could have slept in today) and got my workout in. I found a new gym just minutes from my house so I gave it a shot today and it was great.
First, it was empty. Just me and another guy who was doing some Olympic lifting...and he was really good at it. It's a rarity to find someone who knows how to clean and snatch with great form in a commercial gym. But this guy - he was about 5'6" and had an athletic build with legs twice size of mine - must have some formal training with the sport (Olympic lifts). It was good to see.
Second, they had great equipment. It wasn't overrun with machines. Lots of barbells, 3 squat racks, dumbbells that went up to 100lbs and a trap deadlift bar (it's a hexagonal bar that you can step into to do your deadlifts).
Here's what I did this morning...
1) Deadlift (135 x 5, 185 x 5, 225 x 5, 275 x 3, 295 x 3, 315 x 2)
2a) Blast Strap Push-Ups w/feet elevated (15, 15)
2b) DB Shrugs (8 @ 80, 8 @ 85)
3a) Pistols (8, 7)
3b) Face Pull (2x15 @ 60lbs)
Great workout. I got there at 6am and was home by 6:45. Downed a post-workout shake and an apple. Hit the shower and then made breakfast for everyone else with an early riser...
The FitAndBusyDad
Chris Lopez is The FitAndBusyDad - the World's Number #1 Fat Loss Expert for Busy Dads
Monday, September 29, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
NEW FitAndBusyDad Articles
I've got a couple of new articles up on a couple of "Dad" blogs. Make sure to check them out...
First, as part of a regular "Muscle Monday" article series, check out my friend Vincent Marra's blog - www.TheDadJam.com. There, I outline the same 5-step-process that I use to help my clients find the time to workout, lose weight and get back in shape. Click the link below to view Part 1...
==>The Dad Jam's Muscle Monday - Keeping Busy Dads In Shape
Next, a 2-Part article for my buddy Jeremy Biser's blog DiscoveringDad.net. In Part 1 of this piece I talk about the 2 "types" of dads that I seem to encounter the most and some strategies to help these guys out. In Part 2 (out next week) I talk about specific exercises and circuits that dads can use right away to help them get back in shape. You can check out Part 1 by clicking the link below...
==>DiscoveringDad.net - Fitness for Dads
I've got great YouTube stuff coming out in the next few days as well, so stay tuned!
the FitAndBusyDad
First, as part of a regular "Muscle Monday" article series, check out my friend Vincent Marra's blog - www.TheDadJam.com. There, I outline the same 5-step-process that I use to help my clients find the time to workout, lose weight and get back in shape. Click the link below to view Part 1...
==>The Dad Jam's Muscle Monday - Keeping Busy Dads In Shape
Next, a 2-Part article for my buddy Jeremy Biser's blog DiscoveringDad.net. In Part 1 of this piece I talk about the 2 "types" of dads that I seem to encounter the most and some strategies to help these guys out. In Part 2 (out next week) I talk about specific exercises and circuits that dads can use right away to help them get back in shape. You can check out Part 1 by clicking the link below...
==>DiscoveringDad.net - Fitness for Dads
I've got great YouTube stuff coming out in the next few days as well, so stay tuned!
the FitAndBusyDad
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
New Video: What are YOU eating?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Friday Morning Upper Body Workout
I just finished a great Turbulence Training upper body workout with my friend Craig Ballantyne from TTmembers.com down in Stamford, CT. We cut out of our morning conference sessions with Vince Delmonte and went over to the local LA Fitness.
Vince (he's a big boy) went off to do his own thing and I was more than happy to be the student and let CB conduct the workout. (I play the "teacher" role for a living, so having someone else lead today was refreshing).
Here's what went down...
1a) DB Military Press 3 x 8 @ 45, 50, 55
1b) Pull-Ups 3 x 13, 9, 7
2a) Barbell Bicep Curls 3 x 8 @ 85, 75, 75
2b) Lying DB Tricep Ext 3 x 8 @ 30, 35, 35
3) TT 3-minute arms (Seated Incline DB Curls & E-Z Bar Tricep Ext) 5 x 5
4a) Face Pull 2 x 15 @ 60, 80
4b) Ab Wheel 2 x 12
5) 135lb Deadlifts x 50 reps (just for fun...hahaha, I won't be walking tomorrow)
It was a great workout, a lot more volume than I'm used to. I've been doing only bodyweight stuff lately, so I'll definitely be sore tomorrow. My bad shoulder was bothering me a bit as well, so I went lighter on the military presses.
I'm glad I got a chance to train and talk to these guys. Both Craig and Vince are very successful trainers and I learned a lot from each one of them (that, and Craig paid for the cab rides and Vince paid for the post workout shakes).
I'll be back to my hotel room workouts on Sunday morning before I leave for the airport.
the FitAndBusyDad
Vince (he's a big boy) went off to do his own thing and I was more than happy to be the student and let CB conduct the workout. (I play the "teacher" role for a living, so having someone else lead today was refreshing).
Here's what went down...
1a) DB Military Press 3 x 8 @ 45, 50, 55
1b) Pull-Ups 3 x 13, 9, 7
2a) Barbell Bicep Curls 3 x 8 @ 85, 75, 75
2b) Lying DB Tricep Ext 3 x 8 @ 30, 35, 35
3) TT 3-minute arms (Seated Incline DB Curls & E-Z Bar Tricep Ext) 5 x 5
4a) Face Pull 2 x 15 @ 60, 80
4b) Ab Wheel 2 x 12
5) 135lb Deadlifts x 50 reps (just for fun...hahaha, I won't be walking tomorrow)
It was a great workout, a lot more volume than I'm used to. I've been doing only bodyweight stuff lately, so I'll definitely be sore tomorrow. My bad shoulder was bothering me a bit as well, so I went lighter on the military presses.
I'm glad I got a chance to train and talk to these guys. Both Craig and Vince are very successful trainers and I learned a lot from each one of them (that, and Craig paid for the cab rides and Vince paid for the post workout shakes).
I'll be back to my hotel room workouts on Sunday morning before I leave for the airport.
the FitAndBusyDad
Business Trip Fat Loss Tips...It Sucks Being Away
It's my second night away from my family. I'm in Stamford, CT until Sunday for some business meetings.
I just spoke to the kids on the phone - AJ had a soccer game today and has a tournament on the weekend that I'm going to miss; Joey told me about how she's bringing some yellow watermellon to school tomorrow for her friends tomorrow; Frankie isn't feeling well and threw-up; Mikey's had a couple of sleepless nights.
It's a tough thing being away from home feeling like you're missing out. I was speaking to my new friend, Mike Roussell from Warp Speed Fat Loss, and he was telling me that he's got 6-week-old twins at home with his wife. I can't even imagine how he feels
But like many of us, it's something that we have to do sometimes. It's tough leaving them at home.
So, when I'm on the road on these business trips I try to make it feel like home as best I can.
First, I make sure that I talk to or Skype the girls to say goodnight and I have this picture on my desktop so that I have a I can wake-up with my family smiling at me...

Second, I try to keep my nutrition in check by eating as much fresh fruit and vegetables as I can. I avoid all fried food and dessert. And at each meal I make sure to have a lean source of protein.
For example, for dinner tonight I just had generous Arctic Char fillet over steamed greens with a little bit of soy sauce.
Third, I don't deviate from my workouts. I brought my ab wheel and my LifeLine Jungle Gym, so I got a great workout in this morning before my shower...
1) Bodyweight Warm-Up of Squats, Push-ups, Lunges & Stick-Ups
2a) Chin-ups - 15, 10, 7
2b) Bulgarian Split Squats* - 15, 15, 10 per leg
2c) Ab Wheel - 3 x 15
3) Ab Circuit - Plank x 2mins, Side Plank x 45s/side, Hip Brindge x 3min, Prone Cobra x 3min
*(The Bulgarian Split Squats were especially helpful for stretching my already tight hip flexors. Because we were sitting all day, my hips can use all the help they can get.)
Finally (and this trick helps out a huge amount while I'm away), I go to the local convenience store and I buy a case of water. It's amazing how dehydrated I get when I'm out of town (I don't know if it's because I just don't think to drink water or I'm drinking too much coffee). I bought 3 x 1 gallon jugs of water last night and am already through 2 of them!
So even though I'm out of town, I can stay on track and keep my energy levels high and my body fat levels low by implementing some easy-to-follow strategies.
Bless my wife for being at home taking care of our 4 kids.
I can't wait to get back and see everyone's smiling faces when they pick me up from the airport.
The FitAndBusyDad
P.S. Use The FitAndBusyDad System and don't let yourself deviate from your daily, healthy everyday routine.
I just spoke to the kids on the phone - AJ had a soccer game today and has a tournament on the weekend that I'm going to miss; Joey told me about how she's bringing some yellow watermellon to school tomorrow for her friends tomorrow; Frankie isn't feeling well and threw-up; Mikey's had a couple of sleepless nights.
It's a tough thing being away from home feeling like you're missing out. I was speaking to my new friend, Mike Roussell from Warp Speed Fat Loss, and he was telling me that he's got 6-week-old twins at home with his wife. I can't even imagine how he feels
But like many of us, it's something that we have to do sometimes. It's tough leaving them at home.
So, when I'm on the road on these business trips I try to make it feel like home as best I can.
First, I make sure that I talk to or Skype the girls to say goodnight and I have this picture on my desktop so that I have a I can wake-up with my family smiling at me...
Second, I try to keep my nutrition in check by eating as much fresh fruit and vegetables as I can. I avoid all fried food and dessert. And at each meal I make sure to have a lean source of protein.
For example, for dinner tonight I just had generous Arctic Char fillet over steamed greens with a little bit of soy sauce.
Third, I don't deviate from my workouts. I brought my ab wheel and my LifeLine Jungle Gym, so I got a great workout in this morning before my shower...
1) Bodyweight Warm-Up of Squats, Push-ups, Lunges & Stick-Ups
2a) Chin-ups - 15, 10, 7
2b) Bulgarian Split Squats* - 15, 15, 10 per leg
2c) Ab Wheel - 3 x 15
3) Ab Circuit - Plank x 2mins, Side Plank x 45s/side, Hip Brindge x 3min, Prone Cobra x 3min
*(The Bulgarian Split Squats were especially helpful for stretching my already tight hip flexors. Because we were sitting all day, my hips can use all the help they can get.)
Finally (and this trick helps out a huge amount while I'm away), I go to the local convenience store and I buy a case of water. It's amazing how dehydrated I get when I'm out of town (I don't know if it's because I just don't think to drink water or I'm drinking too much coffee). I bought 3 x 1 gallon jugs of water last night and am already through 2 of them!
So even though I'm out of town, I can stay on track and keep my energy levels high and my body fat levels low by implementing some easy-to-follow strategies.
Bless my wife for being at home taking care of our 4 kids.
I can't wait to get back and see everyone's smiling faces when they pick me up from the airport.
The FitAndBusyDad
P.S. Use The FitAndBusyDad System and don't let yourself deviate from your daily, healthy everyday routine.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I've had it...
***Let me PREFACE this post by saying that I AM NOT A NEGATIVE PERSON. I'm not a hater and I'm not hating on anyone except these 2 goofballs that I'm about to tell you about. After you read this, you'll know why***
OK, so I think today was the last straw for me and commercial gyms. I took AJ to soccer practice and had some time to kill so I hopped over to the local "big box chain" gym down the street.

I pull into the first parking spot I see and walk toward the entrance. On my way up, right before the handicapped spaces I see 2 guys arguing. The closer I get I realize that they're arguing about a friggin' parking spot and who got there first. Seriously.
I just walked on by nodding my head with a disgusting look.
That wasn't the kicker though!
The kicker was, after I finished my workout, one of the guys who was arguing was WALKING on a treadmill!!!
Are you kidding me? You're arguing about a parking spot which may as well have been a handicapped spot and then you get on a treadmill? What is this world coming to?
See, this is why I usually train at home.
The FitAndBusyDad
P.S. These are the home workouts I'm doing from now on. Click HERE for the FitAndBusyDad System.
OK, so I think today was the last straw for me and commercial gyms. I took AJ to soccer practice and had some time to kill so I hopped over to the local "big box chain" gym down the street.

I pull into the first parking spot I see and walk toward the entrance. On my way up, right before the handicapped spaces I see 2 guys arguing. The closer I get I realize that they're arguing about a friggin' parking spot and who got there first. Seriously.
I just walked on by nodding my head with a disgusting look.
That wasn't the kicker though!
The kicker was, after I finished my workout, one of the guys who was arguing was WALKING on a treadmill!!!
Are you kidding me? You're arguing about a parking spot which may as well have been a handicapped spot and then you get on a treadmill? What is this world coming to?
See, this is why I usually train at home.
The FitAndBusyDad
P.S. These are the home workouts I'm doing from now on. Click HERE for the FitAndBusyDad System.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
To New Beginnings
Well, if your house was like mine this morning - a little chaotic, a little anxious, a lot of excitement - then it was probably your kid's first day of school as well.
Today, both AJ and Joey started at a NEW school. So after breakfast, I did a little dance and made them laugh (I like being the goof-ball dad) and helped clear a little bit of the nervous energy in the air.
Today, for my kids, was a NEW BEGINNING. A new chapter in their lives.

Each September, it feels like a new beginning for all of us. This September, it was especially for me.
See, I've gotten to the point where I realized that I wasn't changing. I wasn't evolving - both from a business & personal standpoint. So, when you realize that whatever you're doing isn't working, then it's time to make some major household changes.
I've decided to make a few changes in my off-line business model.
I'm starting a new training regimen for myself.
And I'm putting my focus on helping you and other Busy Dads lose fat and gain muscle in less time than ever with my FitAndBusyDad Lifestyle System.
What about you?
Are you evolving?
Are you making positive changes in your life to make yourself better?
Are you feeling stagnant in your FAT LOSS efforts?
Why don't you use this September to make those changes as well? To make a new beginning for yourself.
Start doing something positive that you've been putting off and STOP doing something that is just wasting your time.
Because life is too short to be doing things that just don't matter all that much.
To New Beginnings,
Chris Lopez
The FitAndBusyDad
P.S. Why not start off fresh with your fat loss efforts using the FitAndBusyDad System? Click HERE to start your NEW BEGINNING.
Today, both AJ and Joey started at a NEW school. So after breakfast, I did a little dance and made them laugh (I like being the goof-ball dad) and helped clear a little bit of the nervous energy in the air.
Today, for my kids, was a NEW BEGINNING. A new chapter in their lives.
Each September, it feels like a new beginning for all of us. This September, it was especially for me.
See, I've gotten to the point where I realized that I wasn't changing. I wasn't evolving - both from a business & personal standpoint. So, when you realize that whatever you're doing isn't working, then it's time to make some major household changes.
I've decided to make a few changes in my off-line business model.
I'm starting a new training regimen for myself.
And I'm putting my focus on helping you and other Busy Dads lose fat and gain muscle in less time than ever with my FitAndBusyDad Lifestyle System.
What about you?
Are you evolving?
Are you making positive changes in your life to make yourself better?
Are you feeling stagnant in your FAT LOSS efforts?
Why don't you use this September to make those changes as well? To make a new beginning for yourself.
Start doing something positive that you've been putting off and STOP doing something that is just wasting your time.
Because life is too short to be doing things that just don't matter all that much.
To New Beginnings,
Chris Lopez
The FitAndBusyDad
P.S. Why not start off fresh with your fat loss efforts using the FitAndBusyDad System? Click HERE to start your NEW BEGINNING.
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